Sunday, October 21, 2007

Where was I?

Oh yes, now I remember. I had made Eggs Benedict and eaten until I was nearly comatose.

Then, life got busy and my husband and I had to make a flying trip to check on his parents and straighten out a few 'issues'. Now I'm back and ready to get busy sewing.

I was working on an apron. I'm down to deciding on the pockets and then assembling the waistband and ties. I have no idea when I'll get it done. I hope this week. I hate to let things sit for too long because I find it difficult to pick it back up and finish. Hence, my many unfinished projects. I'm trying to break that habit.

While away I did pick up a bit of fabric, a couple of patterns, and a tatting shuttle. I need another hobby like I need a hole in my head. I'm not sure what possessed me except it was on sale.

The last visit to the thrift store found me dragging home two more craft patterns and three craft books.

I need to spend some time locked in the sewing room and finish up the Morsbags I have cut out. I might do that this afternoon if nothing blows up in the meantime.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and that your blessings are many.


Nancy Jo said...

Hi Aunt Jo,
I know what you mean about always wanting to start something new. I like the peace of mind I get when I finish something even if I didn't want to. Especially when you have put so much time into something and it didn't come out just right, then there it stays.Sometimes I can turn it into something else or give it to someone who doesn't know a thing about sewing and thinks it looks nice. One time I was going to make a small quilt and decided after I had several pieces done, that I didn't like the idea and I turned it into a bunch of pillows.
Well here is wishing you luck in your locked sewing room.

Annie said...

A tatting shuttle? That's awesome! I've looked at them over and again at Hobby Lobby, and have no idea where to begin. It boggles my Swiss cheese brain. I need someone to take my hand, lead me to one, and say, "Buy this one!"

Aunt Jo said...

Annie, I ended up with the cheapest one I could find and some decent thread. I found a great link that shows step by step how to get started. I'll dig it up and post it.