Yesterday my sister got married. This is the sister that's 13 months younger than me. I haven't said much about the happy day because I have such mixed feelings about the whole thing and I'm trying to be nice. I'm slowly learning to hold my tongue.
Anyway, here's the happy couple.
I took my mom thrift shopping yesterday afternoon and ended up in some pretty yucky stores. Next time I need to take my thrift store list with me instead of trying to rely on my brain. Mom didn't find anything she couldn't live without.
My purchases were a couple of custard cups and 4 buttons. If the item didn't tell me what it could be used for within a couple of seconds then it didn't get to come home. I have entirely too much stuff as it is.
We did a little shopping and a whole lot of looking at JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock's.
I didn't buy much. I found a self-healing rotary mat on sale at Hancock's. I've wanted/needed one for a long time. I picked up a few things on the clearance isle at JoAnn's, nothing to get excited about.
The best find of the day was inspiration for my poor neglected Etsy shop.
They do look happy.
Shopping & looking - my cup of tea!
I hope they're having fun on their honeymoon. They went to Branson.
I like to look, almost better than shopping.
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