Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Did you hear that?

It was a huge sigh of relief. Finals are over and life can begin again.

I'm not going to have much time to pull off a fabulous Christmas, but I'm going to do my best. Better late than never certainly applies this year.

I've got gifts to make, a house to clean and decorate, and sleep to catch up on. I'll bet I don't get much sleep though.

I'm off to visit my bloggy friends and see what kind of trouble they've been up to.


Annie said...

Isn't it nice to be finished with school for another semester?!

Didn't you take an internet class one semester? What did you think of it? It's almost to the point that I can't take a class unless it's internet. I suppose it would be nice to not make the drive in to town, but if the instructor isn't going to offer class time, then I should get reduced tuition, by golly.

Unknown said...

Congrats Jo!! One more year to go right! Get some rest and enjoy the holidays, Merry Christmas dear friend! Hugs!!

Aunt Jo said...

I am relieved to be done. This semester wore me out.

Annie, I took two classes online before we moved here and loved it. I wish this University offered more.

Sue, I hope to graduate in May. After that, who knows what I'll be doing. I may keep going or I just might give up and get a job. I'm kind of tired of school.